Wednesday 4 December 2013

And it is December again.

Well time sure flies when you are working. I used to remember the days would drag on when I was unemployed. Mind you I spend 9 hours a day at the office now so yea I do keep myself busier with more useful stuff then just hanging around on the internet all day.

While most of my office will go home to celebrate Christmas with their families, I am working on Christmas day unfortunately :(. Snapped myself up a great laptop last week and now I can work from my house so I don't have to sit at an abandoned office all by myself the 26th.

I found out that this year I am more in a Christmas mood than last. Of course the break up with my boyfriend last year didn't help either. But in Belfast I am getting my Christmas drive back again, which is good ;).

Coming weekend I am taking a trip to Bangor to do my last Christmas shopping and then its just relaxing all the way up to New Years while working of course.

There is going to be a little Christmas Blythe meeting coming up soon.

Hopefully this month I will hear about my probation and if I passed it. I do hope I can stay here because I am liking Belfast and hope to find my permanent home here, you know a small place for myself ;). But for now I am just saving up until I get my own place.

Hopefully I will be back with more reviews and fun stuff in 2014. I am very limited in games/dvd's/figurines since I moved to Belfast. All I could review is food and drink xD but I won't bother you with that hahaha.