Wednesday 21 August 2013

Happy Mail Day: Licca-chan

I always order my Licca's on the Bay because they show up rarely on HobbyLink Japan. Unfortunatly for them they get decapitated and their bodies used for my Blythes :(.

No customfees on this girl ^^

Bubblewrap mummy

The seller chose to send her without her box which I don't mind at all because she gets taken apart anyway. It's always fun unwrapping mummies ;).

I chose for the Pizza LA girl because of the cute shoes you get with her but I was surprised at the cute face this Licca has. The sellers photo's didn't do her justice. When I removed the plastic protection around her arms and legs I noticed red smudges on her body :( but they wiped off pretty easily without leaving any stains. 

There was a red residue in her hair under the plastic so I think she came dirty from the factory. I managed to get the most out of her hair but I will give her a good wash later on because Licca's hair has always been greasy right out of the box for me.

She is much cuter in real life then I expected. I favor Licca's over Barbie's because of their cute bodies and faces. Barbie is just to supermodel to my taste. Pity I didn't have Licca when I was a young girl.

Close up.

I'm thinking of keeping this girl in her form which means I need another Licca body for Cookie xD. For now Cookie will borrow her body but this Licca is just to cute to be ending up just a head in a box. 

I'm afraid I will start with a new collection XD.

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