Wednesday 18 September 2013

Living my Belfast Life 01

As some of you may know I was hired by a company in Belfast and I am starting my new life there coming Sunday.

I am leaving behind my family and some dear friends but I am sure I will make some new friends there too. And for the ones I leave behind, I have Skype, Facebook, my phone and e-mail so we can still communicate ;).

What else will I miss when I am there :x?

That will probably be my pc and most of my stuff. I am only allowed to bring 20kg and a lot will be left behind because my clothes have the highest priority at the moment. Can't go to work naked now ;).

When I find my permanent residence I'll request for some of my stuff to be sent over but that depends on how much space I will have. I don't want my new place to be overly stuffed. Lucky for me I am moving to Northern Ireland and not the jungle so basic stuff like shampoo and toothpaste I can buy there.

The past week I have been prepairing for my relocation, cancelling several services because I need to be very careful with my funds for the next three months. It's been a long while since I cooked for just myself and I have no clue how much I will spend on the grocery-bill or living expenses. In the past I've always shared a household.

There will be things I will miss a lot when I am in Belfast.

1. My cat. I will miss his fluffy butt trying to sneak under my bedsheets. Heck, I will miss him a lot because he is one of the few who is always happy to see me, even if it's only because he is hungry :P.

2. Playing board games and videogames with my friends. My BFF and little sister were my videogame buddies and I started to get back into the board game scene when my boyfriend broke up with me. Nothing is more fun then spending an evening with kindred souls having fun trying to save the world/galaxy.

3. My mothers and fathers cooking. They both are great cooks and my cooking skills don't come close to theirs. My mother is making my favorite dish before I leave so I will savor the taste of it. And Christmas dinner will suck, all by myself :(.

4. Drop or licorice. It's black and salty and most foreigners think it tastes like poison but I love it. And I will miss it but I am sure I will get them in my survival pack ;) *hint* *hint*

5. Friet Speciaal. It has raw onions, curry and mayo. I love it >3<.

6. Going to the movies with friends. I know I can still go to the movies there but I just need to make new friends T____T.

7. My bicycle D: I can't take my bike with me *snif*.

But I am still looking forward to this adventure. And my door is always open to those who want to visit me. And ofcourse I will be back to visit too.

So another chapter will be added to my blog while I am living my Belfast life.

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