Thursday 24 October 2013

Living my Belfast Life 03

It's already one month that I have been living in this wonderful city. I had my ups and downs but I am still doing very well here.

It was challenging to find a place to stay and even setting up a bank account. In the end I managed to get everything set up and dealt with. Only thing that is coming is my appointment with a GP so I will be part of the NHS.

As I said before, a lot of things are different. Sometimes I get recognize the taste of home but most of the times it's all new. I had to juggle between the Pound and the Euro when it came to grocery shopping. Vegetables are not well liked and expensive as hell here <___<. I paid 1 pound for a pepper (€ 1,25 voor 1 paprika). 

I gained some of my freedom when I purchased a bike and gotten used to riding on the left side of the road. I will probably get run over next time I go back to the Netherlands :P

But I need to admit moving out has been easier since the wonderful invention of Skype and internet. If I had to do this 20 years ago I would have gone nuts. At least now I have my family and friends to fall back on or just have a fun chat with whenever I want too.

Work has been good to me too. I survived working a full weekend and managed to get along fine with my coworkers. We laugh about the frustration we get when dealing with some customers ;).

Tomorrow will be Food-day and I am baking brownies. Wonder what the rest will be doing. 

For now I spend my days off with just looking around for the best deals in shops, reading, housework & laundry and relaxing. I still need to fully get used from working 0 hours to 40 a week. One day I can handle it better than the other.

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