Thursday 2 January 2014

My Irish Christmas and New Year.

Holy moly December came and flew out the window again. I've been too busy with organising stuff and working to keep  up with my blog. Sorry for that =___=.

I didn't have the chance to go home for Christmas/New Years like some of my other co-workers and I ended up celebrating my holidays with my landlady and her family.

I really appreciated that they welcomed me in their family for this holiday. In the past I have spent Christmas in America, but this was different. That time I had my boyfriend but this time I felt a bit homesick. Those mushy commercials of Tesco or Sainsburys didn't help either xD.

I didn't come empty handed, I gave her a nice bottle of wine and she, to my surprise, gave me some bootsies and a hat for my Blythe and chocolates. Also received some chocolates from her parents.

For dinner we had the traditional turkey and ham with Brussels sprouts, turnip and mashed potatoes. The trifle was also very delicious. Afterwards the whole family watched the X-mas special of Coronation Street while I was watching the X-mas special of Doctor Who on the Kindle.

I took it easy on Boxing Day due to a massive headache from stress the prior week for Christmas but it was just eating and watching tv, just like home ;).

New Year's eve was nice and quiet. No fireworks :D. We had planned a fancy dinner at the Stormont hotel and I had the Seafood chowder (in a breadbowl) and the Irish burger with chips. I would have picked the curry but I know they tend to go a little overboard on the peppers and my gut-feeling was right lol.

We spent the rest of the evening, listening to the live music in the lounge and did the countdown with the singers. Afterwards we sang Auld Lang Syne. Rolled in bed at 1:30am because I had to work in the morning ;). No rest for the wicked.

2013 had a very rough start for me but it turned out okay in the end. I wonder what 2014 will bring.

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