Wednesday 24 September 2014

Time flies

I have been super busy with work, moving and then the holidays came and now it is almost the end of September.

What the hell happened here?!

Two days ago I celebrated my 1 year anniversary in Belfast. 

Time certainly flew in that. 

I've been enjoying my life steadily here, of course with some bumps and humps on the path of life but it still going well. 

I am currently working on my trainers-program and looking for a new place to live in February. But I feel that I finally created my place in this town, at this job.

My family spent the summer vacation here with me and we travelled all over County Antrim to soak up the Irish nature and culture. Yes, this is a beautiful place. 

A good friend of mine graced me with a visit and we battled the weather gods at the Giant's Causeway. In the end I didn't even care any more how wet I had gotten.

During this year here, I laughed, I cried, I got angry but never lost my head. I stayed true to my values and beliefs and it might have given me some problems, in the end it was worth it.

As one of my favourite politicians once said:

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. - Winston Churchill

I am slowly going to return to blogging, keeping everyone updated on my life and other fun stuff I do :D. 

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