Thursday 1 January 2015

2015 is finally here!

2014 was a year full of trials and tribulations for me. Celebrating a year living abroad, switching jobs, finding out that sharing a home with someone is more challenging that I expected and all the drama it spiralled in.

Sometimes it made my old self-defence system kick in and that was running away. Just quitting. But I love my job that I have at the moment, I like most of my co-workers at my contract, why would I give it up?

I have a strong sense of justice and I can't stand bullies. When I expressed my feelings on injustice, people became very nasty to me and I just wanted to give up but I felt like I was doing the right thing.

So I am going to make a painting with this inspiring quotation of Winston Churchill:

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

I will hang this up in my new house to remind me that whatever I stood up for was the right thing.

Sometimes people ask me why I pick a fight that ends up in a lot of drama and has me losing sleep over it. At the end of the day I can still look at myself in the mirror and feel like I did nothing wrong.

Truth is that there are some people who enjoy making fun of others misery, sometimes just doing it to avoid looking at their own faults. Heck I even have faults, I am sloppy and lazy at doing some chores and I tend to spend too much money on my hobbies. 

But now it is time to focus on the new year. A new chance to do things differently. I never made any resolutions because I felt it be too pointless of an excuse to do things differently while I should have started doing them differently in the old year lol.

But setting new goals is better because they can be more long term and easier to talk about.

I miss taking photos with my dolls and I now live in a country with the best scenery so what is keeping me from doing so.

I was hoping to be able to bring at least one of my BJD's with me, that is why I brought my suitcase but I ended up receiving so many gifts from my family lol. I hope I can still fit her in my suitcase or I will need to take her apart and ship her to Belfast. If I bring Dasha that will mean I need to bring her wardrobe too...orz that will be a pain lol. This girl has more clothes than I do.

Living in Belfast and Ireland has already made me more active. But after two hikes on terrible shoes I decided to get real hiking shoes to save me a lot of pain and blisters. Paired with my National Trust card it will take me to some of Ireland's most beautiful places. That reminds me I took some photos of a walks I did in October and November and I still haven't uploaded them or blogged about it. And there we reached another goal I have set for myself: more blogging with reviews and fun stuff. I like writing but when I am depressed or upset I cannot put something decent on paper.

So the new goals I've set up for myself:

  • Being more active with my dolls: customising, photography, sewing.
  • Posting a review or blog every two weeks. 
  • More hiking, on my own pace because I never hiked before and I don't want to kill myself lol.
  • Moar artsy fartsy stuff. I am bursting with ideas and I need to get it out.

Yup. I am the guy in red. :P

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