Thursday 8 January 2015

The day that satire took a heavy blow...

I always saw satire as a form of thinking critically about politics, science, war and religion. Why should we follow authorities without questioning why. 

When our government says we need to go to war, should we just accept their decision or instead voice out that we do not want any more war.

Yesterday's cowardly attack in Paris by some sad individuals in an attempt to shut us up, will not reach their goal. Satire doesn't let itself be silenced. Just like extremists, new and old cartoonists will rise against this injustice. 

What worries me the most is the general attitude this attack will develop. I've seen it already on Facebook and on several news-websites. Because these murderers claimed they acted in the name of the prophet Mohammed, does not mean they represent him or the Islam. Most Muslim condemn this type of violence. But still blame is put on the whole community by a lot of people. They verbally attack them on Social Media while they are not responsible for the massacre. Twelve people lost their lives yesterday, ten of those died for something they stood for. Heck the two officers believed in their duty of protecting civilians. We should not dishonour their deaths by feeding and fuelling more hate. 

I won't stop writing critically about my beliefs and thoughts. I am against war and oppression, but also against injustice by our government. Satire isn't only directed towards the Islam, Catholicism gets the brunt of it too same as politicians and other influential people of the world. It makes us think and question what happens in the world:

- Why do we allow Israel get away with bombing Palestinian children?
- Murders in the name of religion, should we just let this continue?
- Outrageous price of healthcare, everyone should get the best care not only ones that can afford it.
- Monopoly position of companies, and their greed.
- Wretched working conditions in factories, why should we turn a blind eye?
- Abuse by the Catholic Church, the victims need to be supported and not silenced.

These are some of the issues that deserve to be criticised, and if it is done in the form of satire it will make people aware that we had enough, we do not want any more of this.

7-1-2015 will always be the day that satire took a heavy blow but will not be the day that satire ended. 

These images are not my property.  

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