Sunday 1 May 2016

Vote with your heart - End the Veto

Just a few more days and the people of Northern Ireland are able to vote again, but I am hoping they are willing to chose for a better option than just sticking to your own groups like everyone always does because you don't care about the 'other side'.

Let me put it in another way.

For some the day they get married is one of the happiest in their lives. Some even dream about it when they are a child. But in Northern Ireland you are only allowed to marry if you are heterosexual. Now that is a slap in the face for homosexuals. No happiest day in your life for you because some people think you are an abomination. 

To be honest I don't mind religion if it gives you as a person guidance, comfort and peace in your life. But if you are trying to dictate life for others in the name of said religion, you have a problem with me. Because I believe all men are equal no matter what race or sexual orientation.

You don't have to worry, same sex couples won't invite you to their wedding night or have sex in the parks to shock your little wee ones. If you are disgusted with them showing openly affection then all affection no matter of your sexual preference should be abolished like holding hands or kissing in public. If one group can't have it, no one should. Have you thought about that?

The petition of concern was called into life to protect the rights of minorities but the DUP abuses this right by using the loophole to throw the rights of our homosexual friends out of the window. And for me that is abuse of power, which is not good if you claim to be a just government. One of the reasons why I think they are doing it, is to block Sinn Féin. Because we don't want to work together, even though the Good Friday agreement tells us too. So we are going to oppose them or any other political party every step of the way. To me they sound like a bunch of pre-school kids fighting over who gets the biggest piece of pathetic. In gamer terms it would be who has the biggest E-penis and they are waving it in everyone's face to show theirs is the biggest E-dick on earth.

I've heard their excuses over why they keep vetoing it.

It mocks the sanctity of the marriage. 

Divorce and adultery also mocks the sanctity of the marriage if you want to follow the Bible to the letter. But that happens, and no one has strung up their spouse at the town hall and stoned them to death now have they? You didn't go out and burn Robinson's wife on a stake when she was having a bit of fun time with her young leaf, now did you?

We are not the only political party that is against it.

No, that is correct but you are the political party who is abusing the veto, which came in power to protect minorities which you now use to discriminate against minorities. That is so unchristian in my book. Because you promote exclusion and discrimination and if there is a thing like heaven you won't get in it.

Other countries don't allow it.

But we aren't other countries, we are Northern Ireland, part of the continent Europe. Other countries allow girls to be wed at 12 or stone people for adultery. You want to be like them? Other heavily religious countries allow same sex marriages, because they saw that they had to move with the times and couldn't keep excluding part of their population. Making them feel alienated.

I was taught not to hate people, even if they don't share my views. But I am ashamed for the state this country is in, with people hiding behind ancient texts just so they can deny other people their happiness. Because that is what it is all about, happiness. Don't you want a person to be happy on their special day? It could be your daughter, son or relative that is denied the right to be happy and form the bond with their partner just like you were able to.

Have compassion and end the veto.

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