Friday 24 May 2013

Midlife crisis? I think not! Maybe.....

So after the drastic measures I took a couple of days ago (voiced it on FB), I decided to live for myself for a while.

I put my hopes and dreams aside to please the other and when it all came crashing down I felt useless, helpless. I am still down in the dumps but every day I am coping a bit more then the last.

What did I want to do before this drama started, before I wanted to spend my life with someone else.

I wanted to travel the world just like my grandmother did. The Great Wall of China, Niagara Falls, Great Barrier Reef, etc. It was all pushed to the background.

The urge to travel, to widen my horizon is back. But thankfully it's not an escape like I picked in the past to avoid my pain and problems.

This year London will be ticked off my list, I chose to visit it with my sister. Will be her first vacation without the parents ;).

The old idea of getting a motorcycle license is also back. When my best friend got hers about 10 years ago, the need to get it was itching but funds that kept being drained away made it impossible. Now that I am just living for myself I managed to save up some. So that will also be a future target for me.

When I mentioned this to some friends they joked about having a midlife crisis. Never thought that women could get one but is it a midlife crisis for me? I don't know, maybe it is but I say screw it, I do what I want.

So lately I have been daydreaming about my future adventures.

Can you imagine me riding this beauty through Brittany or Ireland? I always had a weakness for a motorcycle with a sidecar. 

Laugh at me if you like, I don't care. These are my dreams and I will make them reality. And if you are nice you can catch a ride with me in my sidecar ;p. 

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