Monday 13 May 2013

Review: Oblivion

I must admit I am not a Tom Cruise fan.


I don't like the fact he is part of Scientology. I've seen that cult destroy lives of people in my personal circle and he just advocates it like its the best thing in life to get. Ofcourse for you Tom, you can pay your way out.

Since that dreadful version of War of the Worlds I haven't seen a movie starring with Tom so this one was the first since 8 years I think. During WotW I prayed so hard that the aliens would zap his daughter...she was  intensly annoying.

Anyhow back to the main topic: Oblivion.

Music in my opinion was badass, my applause to M83 (a French electronic/shoegaze band from Antibes). The director, Joseph Kosinski, showed us already in Tron: Legacy how well electronic music goes with a movie. And through this movie he added a new band to my playlist.

The movie also contained some new nifty toys that me and my friend really liked. My favorite were the drones. They are well developed and deadly with maximum force.

The movie itself was quite interesting, although Sally was very fake in my opinion but I won't go to deep into this, or I will spoiler the movie for you. But when my friend pointed out that this movie has a lot of similarities with the 2009 British science fiction drama Moon during the break, the rest of the movie became really predictable, to my dismay :/.

Overall it was a decent movie with amazing scenery shots but compaired to Moon this movie is inferior to it. If you never seen Moon then you will quite enjoy this movie and will be pretty surprised at the end :).

Rating: 3 out of 5

I am open for discussion on the movie. Just e-mail me at vandersloot @

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