Tuesday 4 June 2013

Depression Diary 2

I had a breakdown again today.

Last couple of days have been very tiring for me. My ex professed he still loves me but not for a relationship (good way to throw a girl in a loop, mister), my cat decided to broaden his horizon (he came back but only after I flipped out) and today I cracked. I'm nervous as hell and felt pressured when I was just at the store getting ingredients for dinner. I wanted to run, just leave everything behind and run away.

I did have a really good day crafting with my best friend but the breakdown still came today.

The only thing I did different today was force myself to go to the store and get the groceries. Prepaired dinner while my stomach was doing the boogy with me and stayed calm during it.

I am completly worn out, covered with cold sweat but I made it through the breakdown with no casualties what so ever. I don't feel alright but I feel much better than this morning.

Atleast now I know I will enjoy my dinner now that it is out. My lunch was dreadfully bland because my attack makes me numb for taste, feeling or pain.

Anxiety is my worst enemy at the moment and sometimes rears its ugly head. But I am sure I will beat it one day. I will regain my selflove and be happy that I woke up again in the morning. Just at the moment it is really hard sometimes, and I am greatful that so many of my family and friends are patient with me.

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