Saturday 8 June 2013

The little white lies we feed our children.

This will make a nice anecdote when on of my sisters gets married.

We have this strawberry plant in the garden and about each week it will care two or three ripe strawberries. I was discussing with my mother that in order to get a full basket you'd need several plants in order to get that. A farm would hold a couple of hundreds of plants to get a good harvest.

Whereupon Lisa exclaims that the 3 plants at their old house managed to give a full basket in the past.

I looked at my mother and she starts laughing.

She then spills the beans about the little scheme my dad and her did back then.

The plants only held about five ripe strawberries and in order to not have the children disapointed they added store bought strawberries to make it look like they harvested a big this time around. Scheme worked because my sisters never noticed it.

So several years later they still believed one plant can give you a full basket of berries.

After a few good laughs about it my dad reminded them that Sinterklaas (Santa) and the Easter Bunny still don't exist and that the world is round.

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