Monday 22 April 2013

Blythecon Barcelona 2013

In 2012 I went to Blythecon Europe in Berlin and decided I would go to the 2013 edition also but accidentally purchased a ticket to Blythecon Barcelone instead of the BCEU one. I didn't really mind it in the end because I met a lot of nice new people and ended up with a big awsome surprise in the end lol.

The venue was held in Hotel Icaria near the beach. Very pretty and luxurious hotel @__@. I arrived a little before 10am after getting on the wrong subwayline, first time there making a mistake lol. My mother traveled with me but would spend the day on the beach while I was at the venue. Armed with my girls and camera I waited for it to open.

We recieved a cute welcome package with Wubba chickens, cookies & candy and a free raffle ticket. When the door opened everyone streamed towards the stalls to check out the various goodies each vendor has brought/made. I really wanted to get my hands on a hat by Ris Ras and a romper by Ronmiel so I sought  out their stalls first.

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Girl at Ris Ras stall, love the dungarees.

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More Ris Ras girls, I got the pink version of that hat <3.

I liked the fact that you could buy customs or stock dolls here. I managed to snag up a Simply Mango I've been wanting for a long time. Some customs were very cute but sadly I didn't have enough money for any of them :(. Next year I will save up more money for this event.

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Almond Doll cuties, they had very lovely lips.

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Alpaca hair is so soft and pretty.

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More cuties!

What was more amazing were the prizes of the raffle. I've never seen so many donated custom Blythes together and lovely sundries. It was well worth participating. 

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The custom doll raffle prizes. Wow so many pretty ones.

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The raffle sundries: clothing, helmets and customizing services.

The Spanish collectors were very nice and complimenting towards my girls. I had the chance to hold a few of them (not enough time to take their pictures :/ )

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There were 3 workshops and I participated in two of them, the faceup one was really crowded ^^;;

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Manuel gave me some tips. I struggled making collars on my dresses.

You could also participate in three contests: Mini-me, customization and photo-contest. Only the girl I voted on with the photo-contest won it, but they were all true winners.

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Not the winner, but I voted on this one. The bunny-ears do me in everytime lol.

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Winner of the custom-contest: Eve

Before the result of the contests and raffles they showed us videos of Junko Wong and various people who would have loved to be at the convention but couldn't make it.

She said there might be something special coming up for the future Blythecon Barcelona, I hope she is able to get a collaboration done. I would love to see it.

Everyone cheered for the winners of the contest but it went so fast that all my photos ended up being blurry so I have nothing left of that.
The raffle took forever. I think they spend over 1,5 hours giving out the prizes. I liked the way they mixed in the much wanted customs with the other prizes. There was this one lucky guy that won 4 custom dolls and a customization packet, he started the cry at the end when everyone kept cheering louder. I almost fainted when I heard my number up for a Natt custom, I'd already won an owly helmet but I never expected to win a doll. Now I am the proud owner of one of my grail dolls :).

I had a terrific day and met a lot of nice new people. We brought together a bunch of money for charity with the raffle and some people got great gifts. I am very happy with the items I bought on the convention. If they hold another Blythecon Barcelona in 2014 I will be there, hopefully with better Spanish-skills lol.

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My raffle lot.

Next event for me will be Dolliverse in June where I will be a stallholder. One day I want to have a stand at one of the bigger cons in Europe :).

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