Friday 26 April 2013

Horoscope & hurdles.

I really don't believe in the power of the horoscope but on bad days I still check them, ignoring the sceptic in me.

My horoscope for today said this (refering to the one in the Metro):

There are many hurdles on your path in life. But each hurdle you pass is a step forward and can be seen as a victory itself. Do not give up.

While I thought 2013 would be my year of progress I had more downs then ups it seems. I keep a straight face towards most people but sometimes I just want to crawl in a corner and cry.

I know I am not the only one who has lost a job. And by getting rejection after rejection my hope for new work decreases each time and it makes me miserable.

Oh, the never ending paradox. People who have jobs would rather stay home and the jobless would rather be at work.

Spending inside every day behind my pc and sewing machine doesn't help improve the mood either. So I go outside once in a while, try to be amongst the people. It is only temporary satisfaction and I realise I need to find a purpose in my life in order to overcome the rut I am in.

For now I haven't found that purpose yet, I am still seeking. Maybe one day I hope to have found it.

I just hope that I'll find a job soon, my biggest hurdle to take, because I feel pretty pointless at the moment not being able to do much :/ and ofcourse the bills keep coming care doesn't give a damn about being jobless.

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