Thursday 4 April 2013

Review time!: Iron Man MarkVII Revoltech Kaiyodo

When ordering figurines online I always rely on official sites instead of Ebay. It may be more expensive but I want 100% guarantee that my figurine is the real deal. Sadly Ebay has a lot of copied products outthere and you will be spending your hard-earned money on a fake.

This time around I pre-ordered the Iron Man MarkVII from Revoltech (Kaiyodo) through Hobbylink Japan ( They have this nifty new option called online warehouse that let's you store your pre-orders for 60 days until you are ready to recieve them. My Hot Toys Captain America came from them a few months ago and overall I am happy with the service of HLJ. If I don't order through HLJ, I will order through Archonia ( Both companies carry different shipping options while HLJ will use EMS-shipping for the more expensive merchandise. For the little stuff you can use the snail-mail option, it's cheap and it gets to you eventually.

So now back to Iron Man.

MarkVII Revoltech Review 1

As all Revoltech figures this one is displayed with various fitting pictures of the legal parties involved in the issue of this item and explosions :D! It's not Iron Man if it doesn't blow shit up.

Now comes the joke that made me fall for this figure. The awsome-sauce-amazing flight pose as I have pointed out below.

  MarkVII Revoltech Review 2

But alas to my dismay. There is no way you can keep this pose on display :(. Figma give you the cool clear plastic holders that can help you pose your figure in all sorts of aerodynamic and acrobatic poses. But Revoltech only gave me standard *le sigh*.

Though I give the thumbs up for Revoltech for adding a container for the bits and pieces you recieve with the figure. I have food containers hidden under my bed full with body parts of my collection. My cat Bailey tends to run of with anything that looks like a toy to him and will have me chasing him around the livingroom for me to get my precious parts back. Look at the cool blasters, I can do pew-pew now.

MarkVII Revoltech Review 3

There he is Tony Stark in his full armored glory. Revoltech puts little bits of protective plastic between the joints to save the paintwork but calls for bloody murder to get them out. Did I tell you I love to smell of fresh plastic in the morning?

MarkVII Revoltech Review 4

Overal the paintjob is nicely done, he got a bit slacky at the back but I can over see it, it's only a slight bit. That is also a point for spotting a fake product, the fakies have absolutely horrible paint jobs, it really looks like a five-year-old that doesn't know how to color within the line. And ofcourse the quality of the material. This figure feels solid, the joints very sturdy and you can shake it with your might, no bits will fly off. Yes I put my figures through some abuse when I get my hands on them.

Here comes the pose I wanted him in but sadly no way of displaying him like this unless lying him down on his belly in my cabinet (which looks a bit silly in my opinion). Maybe one day I will revert to my inner-child and skip across the room doing the Buzz Lightyear with him but that will have to wait until noone's home or I will be checked in the closest mental institution.

MarkVII Revoltech Review 6

Fly with me Tony!!

When I tried to mount him on his stand, Iron Man suggested me he wanted to do the Limbo.
Hilarity continued and soon it became frustration because he kept toppling over. Luckily I could fix it by clicking his feet in the right position.

MarkVII Revoltech Review 7

And there his is with his lasers, pew-pewing away the bad guys. I am quite happy with him, being an Iron Man fan and all.

MarkVII Revoltech Review 8

Smexy close up of his paintjob.

MarkVII Revoltech Review 9

And here you see him dwarfed by Cap in his display space. This Iron Man is the Avengers 2012 version so it's fitting he gets a spot next to Cap.

Dwarf Iron Man and Cap

Probably in May I will recieve my Hot Toys Avengers 2012 version of Iron Man (the same size as Cap) and I will be needing to find a new space for these bad boys. They don't really fit in between my anime related merchandise. But for my Iron Man needs I will have to do with the upcoming release of Iron Man 3 on the big screen in April.

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